samedi 25 février 2012

2 days shooting: going from no man's land to beautiful landscapes,

2 days driving all around Valence (south of France) and it's countryside: looking for dead factories and pretty cottages.

2 days in the cold: cold feet, cold hands, and unluckily, cold tea.

2 days of good times: good talks, good foods and simple things.

2 days about passions: working on a great project with positive peoples and attitude.

2 days we can resume in one word: FRIENDSHIP.

When David Basso, a close friend, ask me to shoot a video of one of my songs, I was scared first but so stoked!

Scared because I've never did a video with my solo project and I couldn't imagine how it was going to turn out.

Stoked for the reasons that David is one of my favorite french camera director in the punk rock scene and also such a nice person, wich is not easy to find in this old damn world.

So, right after christmas with the family, I jumped in my car and drove all the way from Geneva to Valence (ardeche, france) listening to the new Ryan Adams full lenght. Love it.

It was snowing, raining and I couldn't believe that the video was going to look so good!
We were supposed to shoot outdoor and I was pretty disappointed by the weather.
But, play music and go on tour taught me something: you never know where you are going to end up and what's going to happen.
I decided to stop thinking and enjoy the record.

As soon as I ended up at David 's and family house I knew it was going to be a great week end.

We spent time talking about music, tattoos, friends, movies, kids and a lot more personnal subjects, sharing good food.

Then it was time to shoot.

The song we chose "nothing to write home about" used to be a really personnal and painful song, that's why I really wanted something that looks like me.
The whole feeling coming out of this track is all about lonelyness and fate but it's also about not giving up and learning to close some chapters, turn some pages.

David understood exactly what to do and we decided to do something simple and keep the feeling of the whole song.

We spent 2 days outside, in the wind, shooting night and days under 2 degrees celsius.
It was very difficult to keep up the good work and the motivation, and we did our best to not finish it in a bar :) ahah.
But as soon as we looked at the first images I was so surpised about the beauty and the solid aspect of the shots, I couldn't expect something that simple and that nice.

David's got an eye, and he understood me perfectly.As usual, he was really professionnal and he gave his best!

I left his house and family still didn't know what to expect...

Here is the result, and even if I think I didn't do that much except trying to be me, David did a crazy brillant work. I can tell you folks, that putting pieces together is a nightmare, shooting was probably the coolest part...

In anycase, David, Audrey, and kids, I would like to say thanx a million for the good times! And Mr. Basso, one more time: Big up for the great Video!

It's time for me to write another song and name it " good things to write home about..."

To check David's work go here!